Tuesday, March 8, 2011

MK's Fun Fact

DAY 6: A Fun Fact

I am actually a pretty good public speaker. Both my degrees are in communications and I did study public speaking as a part of that but as a side note this discipline is not entirely made up of writing and giving speeches.

I did at one time actually contemplate trying to become a speech writer. I could be the woman behind the words but let someone else take the credit. Its just I am not as skilled at creating the speech as I am at giving it.

Weirdly enough I dread the process of preparing for the speech or play or public display. I am not focused - I procrastinate - nerves - butterflies - I almost hate doing it until...Lights On and ACTION - the wildest thing happens. Something takes over and I am in a different place. I imagine this is what athletes refer to as "The Zone." I am comfortable and calm and do what I need to do with no hesitation.

I did a run thru of my thesis defense with my grad professor chair the morning of my defense. I was distracted and incoherent and seemingly unprepared. That afternoon during my public defense I was polished, concise, and professional. My prof told me later she had a mini panic attack after rehearsal. Because her name was associated with mine and I looked clueless she almost recommended that I not present that day. She said I was a completely different person in my defense - in fact she then asked me to present my research at a conference in Chicago.

So this leads me to my fun fact - While still living in Tulsa, I participated in regional speech competitions and placed first three years in a row - humorous and dramatic prose.

Ok so maybe it isn't a fun fact but it is a random fact that most people do not know about me.


  1. Nice fun fact, MK. I'd never have guessed that of you based on how you always beat yourself up re: writing and conveying your thoughts on the BLOG, comments, etc.

    I hate to speak publicly. Which many find hard to believe. I'm ok if its informal. And I can sort of riff. But if it's a real presentation or program, speech, I hate it and don't think I'm very good at it.

    Why. You know why. I suck in real time.

  2. To Stu - I think you are a genius in real time - they make the best blog entries.
