Friday, March 4, 2011

MK's Favorite TV Show

DAY 3: Favorite TV Show

While I am a TV junkie, this task was actually quite easy for me. But seeing that I can’t simply put a two sentence blog post out there (what fun would that be?), I’ll ramble for a little bit.

In my youth, I was a Facts of Life obsessed girl from the days of Molly Ringwald all the way through the not great years of George Clooney and Cloris Leachman. I remember the original Must See TV of Cosby Show, Family Ties, and Cheers. I also had a thing for St. Elsewhere.

When my mom went back to work and Jamey and I were home by ourselves, I was completely sucked into soap operas. Young and the Restless, Days of Our Lives, Another World, and then Guiding Light. From 11 am to 3 pm, I watched that trash and was completely into it. My Grandma Lee found out and told me she used to watch Guiding Light so that one became my favorite. I stopped watching religiously in college but I when I heard Guiding Light was leaving the air after being the longest running soap, I DVR’d the final two weeks of the series. Chad did not get it. He didn’t make fun too much but was amused that the characters I loved as a teenager were still on the show.

Shows I will stop to watch now:
Iron Chef America
Dirty Jobs
Phineas and Ferb

Shows I currently DVR:
CSI – New York
Criminal Minds
How I Met Your Mother

But my absolute favorite show right now is The Amazing Race. I love it because it’s a great show and also because that is my only scheduled couple time with Chad. Every Sunday we DVR the show and wait until the kids are in bed. We snuggle up on the couch and watch. We decide which detour we would do and critique every move – good and bad -- the racers make. We come to the conclusion after every show: Because we love each other we will never be on the show together!

1 comment:

  1. I love(d) the Amazing Race and watched it in the beginning. I don't anymore, but have thought of adding it to my DVR queue.

    P.S. I would be on a team with you, because I certainly wouldn't do it with K! :o)
