Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MK Ten Years Ago

Day 10: A Photo of Me Taken Over Ten Years Ago

I am cheating just a hair on this one. Technically this photo is 9 years, 7 months, and four days old but I am saying it is close enough - it will be 10 years August 25, 2011.

This picture captures one of the most amazing days of my life. I smiled like that ALL day long. It was more than “I was a bride” or “I felt like a princess” or the most annoying phrase “It’s MY day” (really? Is there not someone else involved????) I was so excited, overjoyed, thrilled, and stunned that I was lucky enough to marry Chad. I still have days where I wake up with the same feeling – how is it that God picked me out of everyone else to get to be married to Chad???!

God was there too. It was practically tangible – like I could reach out and touch Him or feel His embrace. He was present at our wedding. I remember standing by myself while my parents went to light the unity candle and waiting for my grand entrance, listening to Ave Maria and staring out at the fountain. My heart beating out of my chest – not from nerves but from utter happiness. It was in this moment I first felt Him. He was so close filling me with peace and hope and I could feel Him smiling as if He were just as excited as I was.

Be skeptical or say I am crazy – I frankly don’t care. He was there for Chad and me. He walked with me – He joined us together – He was there.

I work with some people that are not particularly fond of their spouses most days. I get teased quite a bit for having a fairy tale husband. It really grates on my nerves. I do think I may lose it one day and tell them “sorry their lives suck and yes I have a fantastic husband so neener neener neener – I am not going to feel bad about it.”

My husband is loving, thoughtful, creative, generous, sensitive, and smart. He also can be terse, moody, smug, and impatient. As a whole person he is beautiful and amazing – I love the whole entire package. I see the good and not as good in him and love him even more. Is he perfect – HELL NO – but he is most certainly without a doubt perfect for me.

Ten years ago, I would say we were the yin and yang – fitting snugly together like puzzle pieces with our strengths and weaknesses complimenting each other. As we have grown and changed over the last decade, the division lines have changed in our little yin/yang circle and it is slowly changing to gray. Not meaning we are one person – not at all but that we have learned to support and help each other more seamlessly. We are also more flexible and fluid in our relationship and have learned from our experiences.

I can not believe it has been 10 years. A decade. A wonderful, fascinating, and enlightening decade. Crazy how it feels tonight. Crazy how you make it alright love. With each moment the more I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my geez. I could gag with the whole gooey goodness of this.

    But I won't. I can't.

    I'm loving that y'all are so in love, still "after all these years". You two are the epitome of happily ever after and I, for one, am glad to be witness to it.

    I absolutely LOVE this picture of y'all, too. Always have.
