Monday, November 15, 2010

Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater vol 3

Entry 3 of the blogs that I am cheating to create. I am going to take a complete shortcut to blogging and use my Facebook status’ as prompts for the happenings in the Martin house over the past several months where I was too busy/tired/uncreative to update our journal.

June 18th - Wicked - amazingly cool fantastic!!! Date with my husband - even better!!!

I had an actual date with Chad. Sadly they are few and far between these days. It has also been a long time since I have seen a musical that I did not already know the story so I was giddy watching the plot unfold.

Chad then gave me the book for my birthday -- must say I am glad I saw the play first. I can not say too much since Chad is getting ready to read the book.

June 23rd - Instead of "The End" when we finish a story, Rylee says AMEN. Not sure if this is a comment on my storytelling or on my praying!! :)

July 3rd - ‎2 minutes into fireworks and Rylee throws the blanket over her head - she did finally remove it to eat ice cream. It was great family fun!!! :)

July 8th - Walking out of daycare this evening Rylee says "Oh no Mommy it's raining! My hair my hair! Mommy my hair!" I may have a princess on my hands.

FINALLY a little blogging on Rylee. She is a sweet girl that is ALL PINK GIRL. She does funny hysterical stuff every day and I miss capturing it here. She and Z are going to look at this and wonder why she is rarely mentioned -- It is because I am lazy honey! Sorry!!

She loves to accessorize with hats, gloves, and necklaces. She would change her shoes every few hours if she could. She knows what she wants to wear. And is quite able to express her like or dislike for an outfit.

One day I had what I consider a super cute outfit all picked out for her (jean capris and a fancy top) and she used this devil voice at me "NO PANTS! NO PANTS!!" I figured she wasn't in the mood for denim so I got my second choice of bottoms out -- khaki capris and she busts out with that same scary guttural devil voice "NO PANTS! NO PANTS!!!" I look at her and ask her not to use that voice and what does she want to wear. She turns her head so her chin is over her shoulder, keeps her head low but looks up, smiles (and I swear she was batting her eyelashes) and says "A dress please."

She uses the word "cute" to describe outfits and must have a bow.

I am proud though -- she does have her "pincess" pull ups but really likes her YeeHaw (Toy Story) pull ups better. Tidbits like this give me confidence that perhaps we will find some common ground through the years!

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