Friday, October 10, 2008

Some Rylee Catch Up

Seeing that it took me so long to actually post Rylee's birth, the statics listed in yesterday's post are not exactly accurate. So here is a brief timeline to prove what we already know - she is healthy and growing fast:

July 31 - Rylee is born
7 lbs 14 oz
19 1/4 inches

August 3 - Rylee leaves the hospital
7 lbs 4 oz

August 6 - Her 48 hr follow up at the insistence of the Autistic Pediatrician (another story for another day)
7 lbs 7 oz

September 11 - Pertussis Visit (Sick kid at Ms. Carries so both kids got to go!)
11 lbs 13 oz (75%)
SIDE NOTE: Zachary is 37 lbs (75% -- consistent family huh?)

September 22 - Her 2 month Checkup
12 lbs 3 oz (75%)
23 1/2 inches (75%)

More fun facts:

* She did roll over twice (tummy to back) at Dr. Berger's and once at home for Chad but hasn't done it again.

* She smiled for the first time on Saturday, September 13 and captured on film Sunday, September 14

* She slept six hours on Thursday, September 25 and then on Sunday, September 28th (the night before my first day back from Maternity Leave) the beautiful thoughtful girl slept from 10:30 to 5:30!! THANK YOU Rylee!! She has been pretty consistent since then sleeping seven to nine hours a night. Have I said THANK YOU enough yet?!

* She is getting closer and closer to sucking her thumb. Chad and I keep popping it out and sticking in the pacifier...we are working with the philosophy you can take away a pacifier but not a thumb

* Her first day of school was Monday, September 29 and she slept a lot and decided to be a challenge taking a bottle. I'll just take it as a compliment that she prefers to eat with her mom!

* I dropped her off today in the outfit she wore home from the hospital. 2 1/2 months ago it hit her ankles - today above her knee. CRAZY!

I think that is the majority of the updates. Chad can add his here too. I do find it odd that she measured 19 1/4 inches when born but 53 days later she was 4 1/4 inches longer. So instead of saying she grew 4 inches, I say she stretched 4 1/2 inches. I am sure I am the only one that finds that amusing.
I will close this post with evidence of my technological ignorance -- I do not know how to format photos into the post. Notta clue. So they are all at the beginning when they would be much more effective if placed where they fit into the blog. So now I have to describe them:
1. Rylee's first day of school at TLC
2. Rylee and Zachary at Dr. Berger's for the pertussis check up
3. Rylee's first smile
Sigh...I am sure it will be Zachary or Rylee that will show me how to do this know it's true!
ADDED BONUS -- now the formatting is wonky!

1 comment:

  1. When Jackson tried to find his thumb, I stuck his arms inside his clothes. Tough love, but I have just finished watching my niece who was a thumb sucker finish $12,000 worth of orthodontics.
