Friday, January 21, 2011

What is Your Definition of Humility?

Taken from reflections of Henri J.M. Nouwen:

When we say, "If people really knew me, they wouldn't love me," we choose the road toward darkness. Often we are made to believe that self-deprecation is a virtue, called humility.

But humility is in reality the opposite of self-deprecation. It is the grateful recognition that we are precious in God's eyes and that all we are is pure gift. To grow beyond self-rejection we must have the courage to listen to the voice calling us God's beloved sons and daughters, and the determination always to live our lives according to this truth.

Think I can teach my kids the REAL definition of humility? Probably not until I change the definition in my brain and in my heart...will not be an easy task. You would think the motivation to change would come from keeping my kids from the heartache of self-deprication and self-loathing but it doesn't seem that simple from where I am.

Kiddos - listen to what your mom says not what she does...wish it worked that way.

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