Thursday, April 15, 2010

I think I Would Prefer J.K. Rowling

My husband is incredibly creative. He “oozes” it actually. I have always hoped that our children will inherit this trait and Z is showing signs of creativity in his imagination. However, crazy mother that I am starts to twist this interesting streak into something to worry about – roll your eyes with me - of course I have.

It started with me trying to talk about “stranger danger” with Z. I told him that if anyone he doesn’t know approaches him when Daddy or I are not around to not talk to that person and to never follow that person anywhere. He told me not to worry he will uses his karate on them and kill them. Hmm. So I try to tell him I am serious and that he should not use his karate on anyone unless he is in class and I don’t like him saying he will kill anyone but don’t go anywhere with strangers. He responds with “I am serious Mom. I will use my karate and get him.”

So I have been tossing the scenario in my brain – can he tell where his imagination ends and reality should begin? I am frustrated because I do not feel that he took away from our conversation the dangers of strangers but rather had an elaborate play in his head where he is some superhero karate dude.

Then adding to world that is Zachary’s he has recently announced that we, the Martins, are his second family. He says he used to live with his community helper family (HUH?) in England (which he explains is "an island with a king" --???) when he was little. He added his community helper family in England call cookies biscuits, fries chips and dogs lickers (don't know about that last one!).

What the heehaw???? He loves to share stories of his other life with the community helper family all the while throwing in tidbits about England. I am thinking he must be learning about England in school or else they have changed Boom-a-rang from Cartoon Network into some sort of discovery channel because I did not teach him those things about England.

He is quite open about this other family with people he meets or friends we see. The people we know just smile and look at me saying “he has quite an imagination doesn’t he?” Those that we don’t know haven’t a clue how to process the information and smile and move on.

I am trusting this is a phase kind of like having an imaginary friend which I have heard is actually a sign of intellect and creativity. That is what I have heard. So I am choosing to believe that while I haven’t actually taught him about stranger danger that his stories of his other family and karate heroes are signs of a successful career in the future in the arts some how.

As my friend's mother said over the weekend “Maybe he’ll be the next Stephen King!”

1 comment:

  1. As much as I love Z, I PROMISE I have not been telling him about England. And although I am quite proficient at deciphering all things British, I have never heard of dogs being known as lickers either. He is right on the other two counts. In fact, I have to put fries/chips and chips/crisps on my grocery list so I know which of each I mean. Yeah, I know...I confuse myself sometimes.
