Monday, May 23, 2011

Maybe Not a Guffaw but Definitely a Snicker

Day 22: A favorite joke

Clean? Dirty? NSFW?? Choices choices. I spent some time on this one trying to do a creative spin -- a practical joke I have played or been victim to? Nah - I am not a fan of practical jokes because I am more of a "can dish it but can't take it" kind of person. Not proud of it but it's true.

Perhaps naming a political figure. But then I would have to have a political conversation and I am not really a politics kind of gal.

Or something from a movie. Not in the mood to translate a perfectly good comedic scene into a blog.

My kids are very into Knock Knock jokes right now. Truthfully, Zachary is into them and Rylee is trying to be like Zachary. Z's favorite knock knock joke:

Z: Knock, Knock
MK: Who's there?
Z: Boo
MK: Boo who?
Z: (cracking up so hard he can barely get out the punch line) Well you don't have to cry about it!!

Then there is Rylee's version:

Ry: Knock, Knock
MK: Who's there?
Ry: Crying
MK: Crying who?
Ry: Umm no mommy. Don't cry.

Knock knock jokes get really old to me pretty quickly. Especially when they devolve into the ones that don't make sense:

Z: Knock, Knock
MK: Who's there?
Z: Toilet
MK: Toilet who?
Z: The toilet is green. hahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahaha

When that happens -- the QPMs kick in. In Z's mind the joke has to be done properly -- no deviations so he throws a nonsensical few my way, I throw a few deviations his way:

Z: Knock, Knock
MK: Who is there?
Z: Mom - that isn't right - it's who's there not who is there?
MK: Oh OK.
Z: Knock, Knock
MK: Who's here?
Z: No Mom -- there not here - say there not here
Z: Knock, Knock
MK: There not here
MK: chuckle chuckle

He HATES the banana & orange one - the one you say banana three times and then conclude with orange and "orange you glad I didn't say banana?" Chad usually whips that one out on him. We get the high pitch screechy "You're doing it wrong!"

The ultimate knock knock QPM is blowing his punch line.

Z: Knock, Knock
MK: Who's there?
Z: Boo
MK: Who is Boo?
Z: Mom you're not doing it right. Knock, Knock
MK: Who's there?
Z: Boo
MK: Are you going to tell me not to cry?
Z: Mom!! Knock, Knock
MK: Who's there?
MK: Are you trying to scare me?
Z: That is not nice.
MK: I don't think it is nice you are trying to scare me.

End of Knock Knock jokes. Tee hee. Well, I am now sufficiently amused.

And while not my "favorite" a clean, sfw joke just to make sure your funny bone is tickled too:

Little Red Riding Hood is skipping down the road when she sees a big bad wolf crouched down behind a log. 'My, what big eyes you have, Mr. Wolf.'

The wolf jumps up and runs away. Further down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again and this time he is crouched behind a bush. 'My what big ears you have, Mr. Wolf.'

Again the wolf jumps up and runs away. About two miles down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again and this time he is crouched down behind a rock. 'My what big teeth you have Mr. Wolf.'

With that the wolf jumps up and screams, 'Will you knock it off, I'm trying to poop!'


  1. Hee hee...I'm trying to poop...hahahahahahaha....giggle...SNORT!

    Yeah, I am easily amused. Why do you ask?

  2. CMM: I think you captured the kid's dialog perfectly! -Chad
