Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Don't Remember Z This Tiny

Day 18: A baby photo

I have spent the last hour going through all of our 2005 and 2006 photos searching for just the right one of Z. While I didn't know what photo I would post, I did know I wanted it to be of Zachary. Chad said I should post one of me but I really don't have anything to say about the picture other than the date. If I post one of Z, I have lots to say. I got completely sucked in to the pictures (Chad sat with me for awhile) and we laughed and got sentimental. After an hour I just decided since I make up the rules for this challenge, I will post more than one.

Over six years ago, this beautiful amazing little soul was given as a gift to our family:

MK meeting Z for the first time

No books, no classes, no advice can prepare you for that moment - becoming a parent. Cliche but true. I was overwhelmed with love, worry, adoration, fear, responsibility, and awe. Truth be told while these emotions do ebb and flow - I still have each of them when I look at my kids.

I was such a mess with Z. It is ALMOST funny thinking back on it and of course seeing the pictures tonight brought it all back:

* The car ride home from the hospital - I sat in the back seat in case he might need something during the brief ride home and Chad didn't drive one mile over the speed limit.

* His bassinet was in the "far" corner of our bedroom. I was worried I wouldn't hear him if there was a problem or if he stopped breathing. So after his first night at home, I moved his bassinet to be flush against my side of the bed. My head could pop up and seem him as often as I wanted.

* His first bath - OMG -- how did he survive?! Chad - don't get the embilical cord wet! Chad - he's cold cover him up! Chad - you didn't wash his neck rolls! Chad - did you get all the soap rinsed? Zachary screamed the entire time which freaked me out. The pictures are only funny now then I was horrified.

* My mom stayed with us the first week he was born and was sweet enough to make us dinner so we could have date night in our kitchen while she babysat in the living room. I actually made my mother put the monitor base next to Zachary while I had the receiver in the kitchen. Our house was 1800 sq ft and the living room was right off the kitchen -- I am sure I insulted my mom with that request.

* Nursing. Ugh. What a production. I made my husband shell over lots of money for a lactation consultant. My mom even paid for one visit. Z didn't latch properly so I was trying to nurse for about ten minutes a feeding, then when he didn't latch I would give him a bottle, burp him, put him down, and then pump for 20 mins. It was emotionally exhausting. I was hysterical about it. I even poured water into unused diapers, heated them in the microwave, and put them on my breasts to encourage milk production. Seriously. By the way not my idea -- it was from the lacation consultant. Finally at 5 1/2 weeks, he got it. And my life grew a heck of a lot easier.

* When my mat leave was over, I told Chad I didn't think I could go back to work. How could I let someone else raise my child? What kind of mother would I be if I put this life in the care of another? I told Chad we had to come up with a plan. He talked me off the ledge and said that why don't we plan for me to go back now and when kiddo #2 came along, I could stay at home with both of them. The distraction worked. I would have been the suckiest of all sucky stay at home moms. I applaud SAHMs - I think they are wonderful but I am not one of them.

The difference between Zachary's birth and coming home and Rylee's is quite amusing:
* Rode in the front seat home
* OK she did sleep next to my bed still
* While she did cry too during her first bath, I am actually smiling and laughing in the pictures. No looks of horror on my face
* We actually LEFT the house for a date - See ya' MiMi! Good luck with those kids!
* She latched first thing in the recovery room at the hospital
* Never even crossed my mind once that I wanted to stay at home -- suckiest of sucky remember?

This post didn't exactly go as I thought. I really wanted to tell the story of Z's birth but it really should come from Chad's perspective. I had too many drugs -- everything was la-la and fuzzy for me.

Rather than A Baby Photo here are Some Baby Photos:

Those are stork bites on his eye lids. They faded but you could still see them until he was about four when he would get hot or cry or mad.

Chad took a series of photos in rapid succession so if you flip through them really fast it looks like they are moving. This photo is one in the series.

Adore this photo -- which it hadn't turned out so dark and grainy. My sweet Martin men taking a nap. LOVE IT.

This photo was my stock photo for awhile sending to anyone I knew whether they wanted to see it or not. I even sent it to the hospital (yes I was little coo-coo)with a thank you note to the nursing staff.

Here is the baby photo - Introducing Zachary James Martin, born at 9:32 am on Thursday, February 17, 2005. Weighing 7lbs 10oz and 20" long. Healthy boy and proud parents.

We still are.

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