Friday, May 15, 2009

The Streets are now Safe

Today TLC, Z and Rylee's school, is having Community Helper Day where Z's class is supposed to dress up as a Community Helper. Zachary got it into his head that he wanted to be a police officer. We didn't think it would stick but all the way up to last night he talked about being a police officer.

To assist with making him look like a police officer, I bought a very cheap hat and accessories. He wore the hat through out the entire store while I continued shopping. It was amusing to me and the rest of the shoppers as he would say "Officer Zachary here to stop the mean guys" or "Police Officer Zachary to chase cars to make the bad guys stop."

The best is though at home when Zachary got into his "costume" and put on the accessories. The package came with a police baton that looked a little like a shorter smaller version of:

Being the conservative uptight mom, I told him that he could not take that to school. I had visions of the teachers yelling at me that I sent an armed child to school and he was taking care of the bad guys aka classmates.

He didn't understand why I had a problem with him taking it to school. He thought it was a giant whistle or horn. He then stuck the short perpendicular piece in his mouth with the longer portion of the stick up in the air and blew into it trying to make a sound.

Chad and I laughed so hard at our son the police officer with his badge, hat, handcuffs, walkie talkie, and puffing on the baton like a crack pipe. God bless our law enforcement!

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